Haven't been out in a while as this damned weather has me wanting to just sit at home with the A/C blasting. Pretty much like a sauna outside, some 35+ C and 80% humidity. Anyway, had a day off so figured I'd head to the beach and get some fishing in at the same time. On the way to the beach, I had scouted out a little harbour nearby on google maps so made a stop there first ...
that dock to the left is where I set up. Got out my Bluecurrent and Twin Power, rigged it with a 1.5g Tict Ajista jig head (these ones http://tict-net.com/product/azisuta.html) and a Berkley Gulp 2" baby sardine in glow okiami colour. Started nearer the shore on the opposite side of the boats along the rocks in the water. Straight away I had bites and pulls but no hookups. Also saw a few bigger predators chasing my lure but no takes, think they must have been sea bass, but I don't know. After a few casts I managed to hook into a wee little scorpion and another shortly after, no pictures as they were'nt worth the trouble.
After some time there were no results and no takes so I figured I'd move along the dock further out into deeper water. Changed to a heavier jighead: 2.5g Aquawave Lockhead and stuck with the Gulp. Threw out and after a few casts I was into something, rod got a nice bend in it and the drag went screaming. Quickly readjusted the drag and started to reel the bugger in, put up a nice fight, I knew I had something decent. When it surfaced I wasn't immediately sure what it was but then realised it was a kibirechinu, black bream and a good size. Hadn't expected anything that size so I had left the landing net in the car. No way I was going to lift this one out with the rod, so I played it to the shore and onto dry ground, jumped down to get it and had to use my hands to grip it by the mouth as I don't have a lipgrip and the tong-type grips I have are much too small. Anyway, got him up onto the dock for a picture ...
the photo doesn't do it much justice but it came in at about 42cm. My best ever on light game gear! So I was well pleased!
After this there wasn't much action anymore and it was midday with the sun right over my head, hot as all hell, so I figured I'd make my way to the beach and get in the water myself to cool down
While at the beach saw a few people fishing for whiting (I think) off the breakwaters and later one guy with a pole waded into the swimming area (you can see it in the photo where all the people are) by the barrier, just with a simple two hook rig on ragworm, caught a small whiting. Another guy later, set up an interesting rig, it was a two hook rig tied around an empty Cola bottle, don't know if he caught anything though, didn't see.
After a few hours I figured it was time for me to get back to it again. Grabbed my gear from the car and setup on the right breakwater, pretty much at the end there (if you zoom in should be able to see it) used the same setup as before (Aquawave Lockhead 2.5g and Gulp baby sardine 2"). Started chucking out towards the little island here and there. Nothing doing for quite some time, figured I'll pack up and head elsewhere, just then something took. Started reeling in, nice bend in the rod, and got stuck. Not again I thought, a snag! Tried pulling one way, nothing, another way, nothing, stuck. Put some slack on the line and left it (sometimes this does the trick to get a snag loose with the current), couple seconds, feel some vibrations on the line. Put tension on the line again, reel in, stuck again, what the blood! Slack again, vibrations again. I figure when he got hooked he tried to hide among the rocks then when he felt the slack tried to run. Anyway, I fought him like this for a few minutes and finally got him to the surface. At first I thought it was a scorpion but this is what showed up ...

A hong kong grouper, or is it a redspotted grouper? Kijihata in Japanese. Another personal best for this species so I was chuffed!
Figured I'd stay on at the spot and try for some more. But after a while nothing doing. It was getting time for heading home so took another dip in the sea and called it a day.
Good day all around!
This was July 30th. A bit late on the post due to laziness.
This was July 30th. A bit late on the post due to laziness.
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