
A bit of Sunday light game

Day off on the previous Sunday, so figured I'd head out for some light game fun and hopefully get the bluecurrent/twin power christened.  Had been out a couple times before but nothing doing.

So dropped the wife off at work and headed to a mark I had wanted to hit for quite some time just had never gotten around to it.  Got there about 7.00 in the morn, and got out on the rocks, open headland, set up my tackle:

Yamaga Blanks BlueCurrent 83/TZ
Shimano Twin Power 2500HGS
Sunline small-game PE-HG 0.4
Varivas light game leader 6lb

Chucked out, various spots.  Few seconds countdown, three/four upward twitches, rod tip at ~45°, hold it for a bit, for a curve fall.  Point the tip down parallel with the water and repeat.  Changed lures many times, different JG's with different SP's, 3/5/7g metals; threw em straight out, out around the rocks, the weeds, etc ... a bunch of very soft taps, try to strike but many times a-no-go.  Eventually got a damned pufferfish フグ/fugu (very first fish on the BlueCurrent, which just doesn't count cos them pufferfish, a bunch of assholes :D:D:D).  After, got a few mackies サバ/saba (not aji) about 10/12cm, just babies, so those don't count either :D. Other people got a nice sized scorpion アラカブ/arakabu, a greenling アイナメ/ainame, and a wrasse ベラ/bera.  Granted they were float fishing on bait, but figured I could still entice some on my light game lures, wanted to move over to the point they were fishing, but it was family day out, so didn't want to step on their ground. And then a bunch of shit ... got snagged 3, 4, 5 times in a couple hours, on the rocks, on the weeds, lost a brand new Jigpara 7g (got it a few hours before) on the first cast, finished off my Varivas leader.  Got fed up, moved down the road to a few other points.  Again, nothing doing, few taps but no hookups.

Few photos ...

Got hungry, so headed out to town and got myself some pork-bone ramen, very delicious.  After, stopped by a small tackle shop I had seen on the way to the ramen shop, asked for light game mark recommendations, and headed out to the closest spot the guy mentioned.  Again, bunch of people float/bait fishing, a few guys eging (squid).  Threw out a 3g iwashi coloured Arukazik metal (can see it in the picture), threw it out into the sea with a slow, low retrieve, right about the submerged rocks just in front of the breakwater hooked onto a scorpion アラカブ/arakabu ...

After this one, a few taps again on the line but again no hookups.  Right about now it was getting to low tide so figured I'd take a break and take a scout mission to a few of the other marks the guy at the tackle shop mentioned.  Eventually got to a very nice place (seen in the pictures) out by an abandoned hotel on the beach, rocky coast line.  Walked out a few hundred metres over very rocky ground, had to steady myself, trying to not slip and fall, got to a promising spot, set up and threw out my line.  It was very rocky and very weedy, also the current was quite strong, so I set up a texas rig with a 3g bullet sinker, red glass bead, offset hook 6#, and various SP's (Gulp, Breaden, Ecogear, Arukazik ...) these buggers they just shredded my SP's, every retrieve I had to change out the SP's.  Again got a puffer and eventually landed a decent, beautiful wrasse ...

After a bunch of taps but no hookups (got to get better on the reaction time :D:D:D), figured I'd call it a day, sun was going down and still had that walk/climb back to the car and didn't want to risk it in the dark, so headed out.  Snapped a few photos on the way back ...

All in all, was a good day out, even with all the frustration over losing a bunch of gear (over all lost three metals, almost an entire spool of leader, and a bunch of snaps, SP's, hooks and JG's).

Hope to get out to those marks again next time.



  1. Wrasse rock. Which species is that?

    Looking forward from more reports from the land of the rising sun. :-)

    1. hmm, not sure but i'm thinking it's a red naped wrasse
